NBCSN Practice Exams

This test preparation product from NBCSN features two practice exams, each with 75 questions on current school nursing practice. Taken on a computer or tablet or your phone, the NCSN Practice Exams are designed to help nurses simulate the real test day experience. The practice questions cover all subject areas found on the NCSN exam. You can access them through your account.

The NCSN Online Practice Exams allow candidates to experience an online exam similar in format and content to the real test, though shorter.  They may also assist candidates in monitoring their progress as they prepare for the NCSN exam. None of the questions will be found on the actual NCSN exam. Other features include:

  • 75 questions covering all of the NCSN exam subject areas
  • Purchase of the practice exam entitles you to multiple exam attempts per purchase
  • Summary score displays the percentage of correct answers
  • Reflective feedback is provided with each answer

Click here to purchase


Please note: These two practice exams have only one version each, each containing only one set of 75 questions. Multiple purchases of these products will not provide different question sets/versions of this practice exam.


  • Practice Exam 1 – $75.00
  • Practice Exam 2 – $75.00
  • Practice Exam Bundle (1 & 2) – $120.00 (Save $30.00)

How to use the practice exams

Partially completed exams may be saved and completed later by clicking the “save and finish later” option at the bottom of the exam screen.

If a user closes his/her browser without clicking the “save and finish later” option, the practice exam answers will not be saved. At the end of each attempt, users can review the correct answer for each missed question.

This product can be used on a laptop, computer, tablet, or phone.

Please note: NBCSN encourages all candidates to use various test preparation methods to build critical thinking and analytical skills instead of rote memorization.  Of course, when based on current best-practice guidelines and standards, school nurse practice should be the best study aid of all. Informal study groups may also be helpful. See our Exam Prep page for more resources.