Exam Prep: Online Study Group

If you are thinking about or preparing to take the national school nursing certification (NCSN) exam governed by the National Board for Certification of School Nurses (NBCSN), please consider joining our online study group. It takes place seven weeks prior to each test window opening and is open to all individuals. The study group is a NASN SchoolNurseNet community called: National Certification Exam Candidates. Visit this community for weekly study group assignments and discussions. There is no fee to participate; it is an informal group that provides a suggested study schedule, support during preparation for the exam, test-taking strategies, and a community of peers. The online study group begins seven (7) weeks before the start of an exam administration. For information about upcoming test dates, please click here.

Please note, that you do not need to be a member of NASN to create an account and access the online study group.